Mrs. Welshoff

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the 6th Grade! I teach English and Social Studies on Team Taylor.   We have been busy getting acquainted with one another.  I can tell this is going to be a wonderful group and we are well on our way to creating a strong community of learners.

I am both honored and excited to be your child’s English and Social Studies teacher.  This is my eleventh year at Annie Sullivan.  Prior to teaching at Annie Sullivan, I taught at both Davis Thayer and Keller Elementary school. My husband and I are Franklin residents with three children.  My twin sons are turning twenty-five and successful members of the professional work force! Both of them are working in Sales and Marketing fields. My daughter is a senior at Marist College in New York, working toward a degree in Fashion Merchandising. They make me extremely proud! I am also fortunate to share my home with two pugs, which the students will tell you I am crazy about!

We will be aspiring to meet and exceed various course goals in English class this year. The writing focus will be on narrative, informative, and argument writing. We will focus on supporting our ideas with the use of text evidence. We will learn to enhance our writing with figurative language, description, figures of speech and better vocabulary through revision.  The students will work on identifying the eight basic parts of speech.  We will work on establishing successful study habits and time management skills, along with learning how to keep an organized binder!  Also, as part of our Literacy initiative we will study story elements, mythology, poetry, various genres, and develop an appreciation for drama. We will also be interacting with a variety of non-fiction resources that tie into the novel units that we are involved in.

In the social studies curriculum, we will be studying ancient civilizations.  We will begin with a brief study of early humans that led to Mesopotamia.  We will continue our focus of ancient Egypt, Greece and end our journey with the fall of ancient Rome!  We will immerse ourselves in these ancient worlds through exciting reading and writing assignments, along with some projects as well.  We are sure to gain a deeper understanding of how these ancient worlds have carried so much influence to our current world and civilization today.

As a parent myself, I know how important communication is between home and school!  If you have any questions or concerns I can readily be reached via email at I check this a couple times a day and will reply to you as soon as possible.  You can also leave me a voice mail message.  If there is an urgent message, please contact the office.

                I am looking forward to a positive and exciting school year with your child.  Middle School is such a pivotal time in your child’s life.  I welcome and hope to foster a strong sense of independence and confidence in your child.  Together, we will have a successful year full of learning, hard work and fun!

                                                                                                                            Warm regards,

                                                                                                                      Laura Welshoff

October Newsletter

Team Aspire Newsletter It is hard to believe it is October! It was so nice to meet so many Team Aspire parents at our recent Back to S...